The Pre-Drywall Inspection: Five Common Major Concerns That Make It A No-Brainer
Discover FIVE major concerns that are not uncommon to find during a pre-drywall inspection. In many cases, the pre-drywall inspection is the ONLY time you will be able to notice these issues. And the pre-drywall inspection is always the BEST time to spot the issue, as addressing and repairing will only get more complicated later on as construction continues.
How to Perform a Thorough Home Inspection: PREPARATION
A great home inspection begins with good preparation. Here are some best practices in preparation that result in greater confidence and thoroughness in the inspections you provide.
Four Reasons to Get a Pre-Drywall Inspection
While it's tempting to think that brand new homes (like brand new cars, or brand new appliances) are unlikely to have any problems, this is unfortunately just not the case!
Why a Home Inspection?
If you are reading this, it’s likely that you have already reasoned that a home inspection is valuable. If so, let us... Read More
…But the fire is so delightful!
Around this time of year, we all begin hearing some of those favorite and familiar tunes particular to the season (perhaps, if... Read More