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There are unsafe levels of Radon in one of every fifteen homes across the country. That’s about 7% of all homes! So, what are the dangers involved? Radon has been shown to be one of the leading causes of lung cancer, second only to smoking. We strongly encourage ALL homeowners to have a professional radon test performed, regardless of whether or not there is a real estate transaction involved. We, here at Excel Inspections, are certified Radon Measurement Specialists by the National Radon Safety Board (NRSB). We utilize the latest technology in short term radon testing and offer on the spot/same day results once the test has been completed.

What Sets Us Apart From the Competition?

We carry a higher level of certification than many other inspection companies. We are certified Radon Measurement Specialists – a more intensive and thorough certification requiring greater understanding of Radon, the contributing factors, long term health effects, exposure dangers, testing equipment and procedures, radon resistant construction, as well as radon mitigation protocol and standards as set forth by the EPA. Many other inspectors hold a “measurement technician certification”.

We offer on the spot results! If you or your agent is at the property when we pick up our machine, we can let you know immediately what the results are! If you are not at the property, you will receive an email the same day with the full report. Many other companies have to wait for a lab to analyze the results which can delay the process.

Our machines have built in features that help detect tampering. There have been instances of sellers trying to “beat the test” by moving the equipment to the outside or interfering in other ways. Our machines have built in motion sensors that record every time the unit detects motion.

Our machines take a reading every hour, guaranteeing you at least 48 readings of radon levels. This allows us to also identify any interference, as the hourly readings are charted on a graph for visual evaluation. The hourly readings also help us to identify and pinpoint times/activities in the house that may be causing the radon levels to spike. Most of our competitors use an E-Perm or Electret system which provides only one reading at the end of the test.

Why Choose a Radon Professional to Perform the Test?

In a Real Estate transaction, there are two main factors that require a professional test: The speed of the results and the ability to detect tampering or interference. Any of the do-it-yourself radon test kits will take at least one week and maybe more to get the results due to shipping and lab delays. A professional company can administer the test and have the results immediately, with the whole process taking about 48 hours. The do-it-yourself kits have no way of detecting any form of tampering or interference. In a perfect world, everyone would understand the seriousness of interfering with a test that can potentially prevent lung cancer! Unfortunately, that is not the case. Certified Radon Measurement Specialists use techniques and equipment that can detect and deter tampering, providing the best chance for an accurate test.

There are also many factors to consider when choosing the location for the testing device. That’s where the training and experience of a certified measurement specialist is second to none. When choosing the test location, we take into consideration factor such as the exterior walls, HVAC supply and return vents, livable conditions and finished spaces, windows and doors. A certified specialist can also be a great resource for ideas on how to lower radon levels whether or not they are elevated in the first place.